Praxsym Inc.

//Praxsym Inc.
Praxsym Inc.2017-09-12T21:21:40+00:00

Praxsym layouts and produces power monitors, examination devices, and OEM modules, in addition to various non-catalog products in our center in Fisher, Illinois, based 100 miles south of Chicago. Praxsym facilitates several wi-fi companies all over the United States with OEM modules. With these foundations, distributors can minimize time to industry and improvement expenditures while exploiting stability, efficiency, and performance in their solutions. These foundations include: power monitors, gain control and leveling, GaAsFET bias supplies with interlocks, upconverters, and downconverters.


  • Consulting, Design & Engineering Services
  • Oscillators/Synthesizers
  • Services
  • Systems
  • Test Equipment

Company Information

Visit Website
120 South Third Street Fisher, IL 61843

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